The proverb ‘never marry a woman with big feet’ has to come to my mind while squatting in the toilet when I think of how ‘big things’ matter in life.
Elbows on the knees, palms supporting the head and my mind wondering on the trivial things, I learn that every person likes owning something big.
My friend possesses iphone which is not only expensive but has a bigger size. I swoon my head when a big light-vehicle zooms past me, those behind the wheels with bigger shades covering one-third of their faces. In the workplace, there is always a street knowledge of other people of who posses what. The topic on men with the bigger plots and several buildings never tire the gossipmongers. The later categorizes the earlier as ‘big people’. Even they want to be included in the list if given the chance.
At the halfway of wandering thoughts, although I cannot conclude if bigger things really matter to people, I make stock of what bigger things I have with me. I find nothing big with me; small phone, small car and without land or building, I am way content of what I have.
But I am a human being too and the temptation to own bigger things may come sooner or later. I can perhaps switch to an iphone when I know the price of Maruti van will not fetch Land Cruiser Prado and forget owning a land or to construct a house.
Almost bitterly, I stand up from the commode, push on the flush button and bend down to pull up my pants. The morning sun rays have brightened up the compact tiled closet. It guarantees a beautiful day ahead.
At the stage of zipping up, I stop and take a second glance. And I glance and I stop completely, the pants falling down on the floor. Next I am amazed to discover it. I already feel a beautiful day has come and every bigger thing the big people have suddenly becomes immaterial to me anymore.
I come out happy I have something big with me, in fact quite big, wondering why I did not take notice of it before. Now I don’t care if those gossipmongers don’t talk about me but I understand absolutely if I am confronted by a woman with the bigger feet.
P.S: Nothing is exaggerated.
P.S: Nothing is exaggerated.